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Christmas is Coming!

Yes, I know it is only October and we haven't even thought about turkey yet. Hey, come to think of it, I am looking forward to Thanksgiving too! But that is beside the point of this post.

How would you like to make some awesome art, learn a new OLD skill, and have a great time doing it? Would you like to make your own Christmas cards to send out this year, cards so beautiful they deserve a frame?

Starting this November we are going to offer a print making workshop. We will be creating the Christmas Candle. I talk about the process in a very professional video we posted on Facebook. Check that out if you'd like a quick rundown.

We will be doing relief printing, actually. It is super fun to do and very rewarding. You will carve out your block in four stages, adding a new color with each carve. Your final prints (15-20) will WOW you and all who receive one.

The class will run about three hours long. So you'll want a snack and a drink to keep you going.

There are six dates from which to choose. Hopefully you can attend one! Reserve your spot HERE!


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